Another day in Prague! And so much to do I don't know how we managed to fit it all in. First up was the Prague palace, St. George's basilica, the golden lane (which had a house, now appropriately a tiny bookstore, which Kafka used to live in), the toy museum and St. Vitus' cathedral. And that was all before noon. After that we wandered over to the Jewish section to check out synagogues and the old cemetary (an amazingly photogenic place, filled with crooked tombstones that date back to the 1600s), then on to a little craft market near the national theatre. We checked on tonight's performances, but unfortunately there wasn't anything that sparked our interest. Then it was off to the Mucha museum (I've long been a fan of his), and king wenscelus' square (the whole time I was there I had the Christmas carol looping thru my head). Lastly we stopped at the louvre cafe for dinner (it may be touristy, but if it was good enough for Kafka and Einstein then it is surely good enough for me.). Tomorrow we head back to Nuremberg, I'm looking forward to a short break from hardcore travel, been going non stop for almost 2 weeks.
Ps. The candles were lit to honor those who fought against the communist regime in Prague.