Stockholm to Nuremberg

I had an evening flight out of stockholm, which gave me the morning to wander a tiny bit more. I went to the acne outlet, where they not only sell stuff from the stores at cheaper prices but also redesign old pieces to make unique bits that you can only get at this one tiny shop in Stockholm, of course there were many gorgeous things there, many of which were leather and fur and completely impractical for an LA girl, but I had a blast trying things on. Next I went to the Stockholm state museum, which has a tour focusing on " the girl with the dragon tattoo". I didn't do the tour but bought the map, since I've been reading it during my time in Stockholm, I thought it would be fun to see where all the action takes place. Sitting at a bar at Arlanda airport now, I have an hour til my flight and I'm just killing time, I guess I should pop by duty free and kill the last of my "crowns", perhaps I will load up on schnapps for our Christmas celebration.

Stockholm day 3 - the walking adventure

I must have walked 20 miles today, all over the city. The day began with a visit to skansen, the world's largest living museum, basically the museum owners bought old buildings from all over Sweden then recreated the world of the time the building was built. It was very cool and informative, I learned about the julbord (Xmas feast) that would have been eaten at a farm house in the 1700 and what workmen from the 1920's would have for their holiday meal. Then I spoke with craftsmen about their various trades, I found it all very fascinating. Afterwards I went to the royal palace and toured the state and guest apartments, then went to the armory to see costumes and carriages from previous and current royalty. I'm completely fascinated with queen Christina from the 1600s, it seems she lived a very vibrant life. Afterwards i grabbed a late lunch next to a Christmas market, I shared a window table with my new friend, Gustav, he told me all about his hometown (Stockholm) and even gave me a walking tour of the area. I ended the night with a tour of the Nobel prize museum, which wasn't that good... But that was okay, because I was ready to head back to the hotel and curl up to a bottle of Christmas beer...and after I publish this entry I will go to the lobby and grab a cup of glogg and gingerbread (unlike the German gluwien, the swedes put almonds and raisins in their glogg).

Ps. The Santa windows at the NK dept store are so incredible that I had to photograph them, while I was standing in front of them, 4 different groups of students came by with their teachers to admire the windows as well.

Stockholm day 2

I love Stockholm so much, that the cold doesn't even bother me. I now wish I had gone to grad school here when I was accepted a few years ago. I will definitely have to come back in the summer, the islands seem filled with magical places for camping. Today I visited the vasamuseet (easily the most incredible museum I've been to in years...check it out online), junibaken (Astrid Lindgren exhibit...she wrote pippi long stocking, one of my most favorite characters from childhood), the Nordic museum and Waldemarsudde, then finished the day off with a bit of shopping at h&m (I couldn't resist, sadly it's not at all different from the us) and dinner at my new friend, Anna's house. I've met so many interesting people on this trip so far, and Anna and her family were no exception, we had a delightful night of conversation and yummy food, while they enlightened me on daily Swedish life. I cant imagine a more perfect night.


Took an early morning train into Nuremburg to catch a plane this morning. I've long believed that all great journeys begin at sunrise, and today was no exception. On the train I created "fire" photos by shooting long exposure pictures of the sunrise from the moving train. After a grabbing a cup of coffee in the city centre I caught another train to the airport and we (my little friends and I) were off to Sweden just in time to see a Santa Lucia performance at the airport.